The use of virtual pawns makes it possible to bring together and link a set of games that strengthen cognitive, emotional and language functions. These are memory games, narrative games and association of ideas, construction games, logic and strategy games, time management and relaxation tools, gestalt workshop consciousness, mind maps, etc.
These games can be reduced to reduced models preparatory to more complex learning, to a regulation of the daily life in which one is immersed, by evacuating stress and becoming aware of one's mental processes, time (intervals, choice, subjective vs objective ) and space (interface, mental, imaginary, immediate and lived environment) . Each game reveals the strengths and difficulties/obstacles of the user and above all makes him aware of his way of being.
We will focus here on metacognition in a so-called top-down approach, moving from high-level functions (planning, self-regulation, inhibition, flexibility, selective attention, working memory) to training basic cognitive functions (awakening, will, orientation, motivation, activation).
The goal of artificial intelligence is not to find optimality. Its objective is to support the user towards improved mental performance. It therefore acts satisfactorily at the level of games and workshops in order to favor the positive evolution of the user.
It has transversal characteristics of logics and constraints that allow it to manipulate several game rules while respecting its main objective which is user-oriented. It will therefore make the user evolve between different games according to his performance. The latter will not necessarily realize it.
The plasticity of its symbolic emergence allows it to create a digital mirror of the user's behavior. This is used to apply a set of rules in a geometric constraint space. These rules follow a specific categorization and can be used by different games and workshops. Language is part of these rules, it makes up a common sense that gives coherence to the whole.